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Gau Sewa Dham Hospital

The Gau Seva Dham Hospital is an establishment of World Sankirtan Tour Trust. It was established by Pujya Devi Shri Chitralekha Ji on 26th May 2013. It is situated in Hodal in an area of more than 5 acres.

The reason for establishing Gau Seva Dham is simple, just to serve and protect animals. Once, Devi ji saw an injured cow lying on the road. Her condition was serious and the cars were passing by that cow paying no heed to her. Devi ji was very hurt by witnessing such insensitivity towards animals. She rushed towards her to give her first aid and decided to do something to help stray animals.

So, in 2013 she established the Gau Seva Dham Hospital to provide free medical care, food and shelter to all the stray animals, not only cows.

We have treated more than 20,000 animals till date, and have provided on the spot medical care and OPD to more than 5000 animals.

We are a team of more than 100 employees who are determined to make this world a better place and make these injured, hungry and harassed animals' life easier. We want to make people more sensitive and compassionate towards animals and serve them the best we could do in our capacity.

Gau Seva Dham


Cow is very lovable to Lord Krishna., One day, Devi Chitralekhaji (Deviji) saw an injured cow lying on the side of the road and found that her condition was very serious. Immediately, Deviji attended to the cow and gave her first aid. Deviji was very concerned about this incident and as a result idea of providing proper care and treatment to sick cows comes in their mind. Therefore, Hospital for them was Top Priority in the mind of enlighten soul, Devi Chitralekhaji (Deviji).This is why 10 Bigha land (approx. 5-6 acre) purchased for GAU SEVA DHAM HOSPITAL in 2013 on NH-2, HODAL, Distt- Palwal, (Haryana). Where at hundreds seriously accidental/sick mother Cows have been treated successfully. Gau Seva Dham Hospital provides great relief to the Deviji and devotees coming from across the sea. When they see the treatment of sick and accidental cows. This project dedicated to Gau Mata was completed in 2019.

At present the following construction work has already been done:-

Fodder Shade - 40’x40’

Khal, Choker Godown - 20’x20’

Other Animal Ward - 70’x20’

Pathology - 20’x20’

Operation Theater - 50’x20’

POCU - 20’x15’

Big Shade Consist of (ICU Ward, Cancer Ward, Three Leg Cow Ward, Blind Cow Ward, General Ward) - 110’x105’

Cow roaming site - 110’x105’

Common Living Area with Common Toilets - 30’x20’

Administrative Building - 30’x60’

Gau Seva Dham

Administrative Block

Main office was constructed, in phase-I in order to guide and supervise proper functioning of the hospital. It has 12 rooms for visitors and 4 rooms for various departments where about 80 employees are working. (1 Manager, 1 Accountant, 1 PRO, 5 Call attendants, 5 Media team, 6 Donation Collector, 2 Receptionist, 5 Drivers, 4 House Keeping, 2 Electrician, 2 Office Assistants, 3 (M.Vsc) Doctors, 14 vet. Assistant, 30 Gau Sevak)

Devi Chitralekha Ji

Guest Rooms

There are 12 Guest Room sponsored by Life Time Members of our Trust. Visitors coming from India or overseas can stay here on prior information, free meals and Tea is provided to them. Couple and a child can stay in 1 room.

Medical & Admin Staff Residence

The complex has 10 residential rooms for Medical and Admin Staff with attached toilet who stay at Gau Seva Dham Hospital.


Gau Seva Dham Hospital is 24 hours working charitable Hospital. There are 2 working shifts so for labour 1 big dormitory is made in which they can stay at night. It is also used to accommodate a group of visitors who want to stay for up to 2 days. It will have its own toilet and bathroom facilities

Literature Sales Counter

There is one sales Counter in Gau Seva Dham on which Bhajan, CDs, Kirtan DVDs, Katha DVDs, Brij Parikarma DVD and other literature of Pujya Devi Chitralekha Ji is available for Devotees.

Waiting Lounge

Visitors coming from India and overseas to meet Pujya Devi Chitralekha ji and visit Gau Seva Dham Hospital may wait here for a short duration.

Conference Hall

Important lectures related to Gau seva. Presentations and group discussions with administrative officials. Community related welfare schemes. Seminar related to treatment of Gau Mata can be arranged in conference hall.

Electrical Room

There is one big Electrical control room with 35 KVA generator set to maintain the electricity of Gau seva Dham Hospital. Repairing work of coolers, water coolers, celling fans and other electricity item can also be done here.

Kitchen & Dining Hall

In Gau Seva Dham Hospital there is a huge Dining hall and Kitchen with siting capacity of 50 people at a time where Visitor from outside and employees who stay here take meal. Dining Hall is decorated with Modern furniture. Meal for employees change daily. Seasonal Vegetable is used in cooking.

Tool Room

In Tool Room, all type of tools related to vehicle and Maintenance are kept here.

Temple & Kirtan Hall

Shri Radha Krishna and Gau Mata Temple is made in approx 1000 Sq.ft. as per name there are deities of Lord Radha and Lord Krishna is established here. Daily Aarti and kirtan is performed in morning and evening. All employees and nearby resident come here to attend aarti. Kirtan etc. will be held here.

Chara Godown

There are one chara godown of 40’x40’ size for straw/bhusa in which 3000 quintal of bhusa can store at a time, and second is for khal and choker whose size is 20’x20’ in which All type of dry Fodders such as Khal, Binola, Choker, Gur etc. which is used for cows is kept here.


Sick Cows

Cows suffering from normal disease such as fever, stomach problems, wounds, Urine infections, pregnancy problems are cared here.

Cancer Affected Cows

Cows suffering from Horn cancer, Tail cancer, Leg cancer and all major cancers grown in cows is treated in Gau Seva Dham Hospital and there is separate ward for them.

Fractured Cows

Road accident cows having minor and major bone fracture is treated here. If cows got major facture then Doctor operate and put steel rod to support the bone. If that fracture is not repairable then Doctors put artificial leg for a short time as therapy after imputation

Blind Cows

Cows, which are completely blind from birth and partially blind due to accident or deficiency of Vitamins, is treated here with proper care.

Intensive Care Unit

Extremely serious cows, accidental cows are treated here. Oxygen and other health monitoring equipment’s are available here

Bachda & Bachdi

New born Baby calfs and calfs coming with serious cows are cared here. Whilst monitored for their health & growth apart from their medical treatment

Other Animals

There is one ward of size 70'x20 'is for other animals like monkey, rabbit, deer, dogs and Neil Cows. Other animals which are injured in road accident or attack by humans are treated here.

Emergency Ward (ICU)

TAny injured cow which requires urgent medical assistance will be given First Aid here before being moved to a ward.

Other Facilities


In Gau Seva Dham Hospital a Latest X-RAY machine of 1000 MAH is installed, such type of x-ray machine is not available in nearby human or veterinary hospital. It is used to identify foreign items in the body, to examine broken bones, for Pregnancy test, to examine respiratory system

Operating Theatre

In emergency if operation is required to impute the damage leg of cow, operation of pregnancy, or any kind of Surgical operations required to give relief are conducted here.


If Sick cows need of investigation of Blood, Urine and Dung. In Gau Seva Dham Hospital there is a well-equipped Pathology with latest equipment and apparatus are here.

Medical store

To keep medicine related to all kind of animals there is a medical store. In medical store all type of high quality medicines are kept as stock. In emergency any kind of medicine is always available here.


In Gau Seva Dham Hospital there are 5 High tech Ambulances with hydraulic system. With this technique only a single person can bring the accidental cow to hospital. Less human power is required due to high tech ambulances
In second phase with the help of our respected donor and members, below mentioned items will be constructed in Gau Seva Dham Hospital.

Gober Gas Plant

In Gau Seva Dham there are always 200-250 cows are under treatment. More than 2-3 quintal of Cow Dung is produced daily. To use this Cow dung we required a big Goober Gas plant.

Disposal Of Medical Waste

Treatment of 200-250 cows are done daily here. due to treatment, lot of medical waste is also generate, to dispose this medical waste we required a plant for disposal of Medical waste.

Pond For Cows

Paralyze cows or cows whose back legs are not working need a big pond in which doctors give water therapy. In water pond we drop them to give water therapy. In water pond cow try to swim and used her both front and back legs.

Children’s Park

In Gau Seva Dham Hospital lot of children are come with there parents. for children’s we required slides, seesaw, swing (Zoola), round robin (roundabout), parallel bars items. We will construct a theme park for them. When there parents are visitng the hospital they will be entertain there.
It is our humble request to all of you, to help in purchasing the above mentioned equipment. Please donating generously to make Children theme Park, for goober gas plant, for disposal of medical waste plant.

Our Gallery


Hence, “GAU SEVA DHAM HOSPITAL? came into existence. The hospital is being built on NH 2 near Hodal, District Palwal, Haryana on 10 Bigha land (Approx 3-4 Acres).


Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.